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I’ve been creating, inventing and fixing as long as I can remember.  From woodworking with my Grandpa standing on a stool in his shop to Lego and Meccano on the living room floor and woodworking with power tools to handyman style fixing for family and friends my brain was always planning for the next thing I could create or problem I could solve. 


My first big project was my buffy porson

soap box racer when I was 10.


In grade 9 I decided I would need a desk for high school studies so I built it!


When I outgrew our family’s longest canoe paddle, I made myself one!


My years spent biathlon racing saw me through countless late nights waxing skis for the next day’s training and rewaxing when the weather forecast changed.


I have had the opportunity to take extra courses in welding, machining, automotives and bicycle repair to name a few.


I’ve built a few websites. Coding has been a key component of my degree although I've never published a program... yet.


Music and cooking are interests as well. I play the saxophone, harmonica, piano and guitar. Being curious and skilled with my hands it wasn't long before I was doing my own luthier work. From Asian cuisines to kadhi soup to eggnog I know my way around the kitchen too.


I am currently in the midst of completing my Bachelor’s degree in Physics at the University of Calgary.


I do everything.


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